Agency: Draftfcb  |  Client: Expo  |  Role: Art Direction, Design, Concept, Illustration


Eraser Smarts Game
Expo was releasing a new dry erase marker with better erasing ink. I felt like this would be a great opportunity to not only tell but also show how much better this ink actually erased. So during a commute to work, I came up with the fun game idea to really drive the idea home. Basically a person is given a time trial and all they have to do is follow the on-screen directions telling them to erase the right OR wrong answers. The catch, is that the questions are really tricky— I made them up myself & I also illustrated all of the artwork using actual Expo markers.  The goal was very basic; get the highest score in under a minute, collect your coupon for cash off Expo markers and challenge your Facebook friends to top your score. This was an activation we launched just in-time for back-to-school. The target wasn't just for kids however— we were also after parents, teachers & office professionals who have to shop for those kids and for themselves in the process.

Game Questions & Challenges
Here are all of the questions & Illustrations that made for the game. Each were random and only a small number appeared within a single play (depending on how good you were) so each play tended to feel very new each time.

Eraser Smart Banners
This is a set of banners that I designed to call attention to the better erasing ink & announce the Eraser Smarts across the web.

Facebook Covers