Agency: Draftfcb | Client: Papermate | Role: Art Direction, Design, Concept, Illustration
Flash Banners
Our small digital team was tapped by PaperMate to concept a few banners based on a campaign for InkJoy revolving around the brands new tagline "The Worlds Most Stolen Pen". So while taking the bus to work one morning, ideas began to flow and I starting sketching out these concepts below. I showed them to my team, my Creative Director Jeff gave me his blessing, I mocked them up and we pitched them to the client. The client really liked them too but I honestly have no idea if they were put into production because I left the agency & moved to New York before anything was set in stone.

Facebook Covers
Below are a few Facebook covers that me & my writing partner at the time, Cathy, came up with for InkJoy. We wanted to show that these pens are so hot that you need to protect your pen at all costs.