Agency: Draftfcb | Client: Stelara | Role: Art Direction, Design, Concept, Illustration, Retouch
Website Design
I was given the privilege of designing the entire site for Stelara & illustrate several icons— including one for their official psoriasis app.

Rich Media Banners
Below are just a few of the banners which I designed for Stelara. The intention of each where to educate people affected by psoriasis about the drug Stelara and provide a way for them to request a starter information kit which would help them decide if Stelara was the proper treatment for their condition.

Web Video Storyboard
Below is a storyboard I created for a web video that we produce which introduced the Stelara Fulfillment Kit to potential patients with psoriasis. I have the final video somewhere. Once I find it, I will post it below as well.
App Icon Design
Below are several rounds of design options and name variations which a generated for Stelara's PSO App. These were fun to build out. I actually like several of the rejected options a little better than the final icon but that's just the way things go sometimes.
Advocacy Outreach
One of my absolute favorite things about this account was when we were given the opportunity to educate people about psoriasis and not necessarily focus on the drug treatment. Below is a case where I thought it would be interesting if we partnered-up with a large department store like Macy’s.
A window display would feature our mannequin’s posed in fashion stances with 10% worth of palm prints all over their bodies. 10% coverage of psoriasis might not sound like a lot but when you literally see that 1% coverage is equivalent to a single hand print— the impact is undeniable.
Not only would this educate people who live with psoriasis how to demand better treatment but it would also work as a way to arrest the attention of street traffic in a busy city shopping district and give a visual example of how psoriasis effects lives then supply those people with an easy way to help.
“For every dollar you spend, Macy’s will donate 10% towards research to help find a cure” Simple. Easy. Effective.
In-Office Psoriasis Tool
It’s a known fact that most people tend to clam-up when it comes to telling doctors what’s really wrong with them. In the world of psoriasis, patients are told that 10% coverage is only considered moderate and not a big thing to worry about but the truth is, the palm of a persons hand is considered 1% of their total skin mass. If you were to mark your body with 10 palm prints that would then add up to 10% coverage and that amount of coverage is anything but a small concern; especially depending on the location of those palm prints.
It seemed to me that patients needed a way of visually demonstrating to their physician what their condition is without the embarrassment of having to be naked in-order to get your point across. This is a small mannequin which would be in dermatologist offices. All the patient has to do is grab as many of the re-usable vinyl palm clings as they need, place them on the mannequin and request better treatment to help clear-up their psoriasis.
Mobile Game Concepts
We wanted to explore ways in-which to build fun mobile games that still had a bit of an educational purpose to them. Caridee English was still newish as a spokes person for Stelara but I loved the notion of her as a Psoriasis Warrior (a term developed by a team member during a brainstorm). For one game concept;
I thought it’d be cool if Caridee, being a model, had a spaceship in the shape of a stiletto heel and that she would shrink down, be injected into a person’s body armed with Stelara guns. She has to make her way through the blood stream turning “bad proteins” into “good proteins” until she eventually meets up with the
Big Boss Psoriasis! So that’s how that came to be.
The Plaque Blaster game came about as a way of demonstrating how the IL-12 & IL-23 proteins come together to create additional layers of skin that eventually become plaques. Your a blaster filled with Stelara. You can only spin in circles and you must bast the proteins which are floating up from below before they have a chance to form layers above you. If the protein layers extend down and hit your blaster, you loose a life and have to start over. The higher your score gets the faster the proteins rise!