A continuation of a small tour of Bushwick & it's ever changing graffiti universe.
Music: Daniel Sandie "Defoule 3e Age"
Shot & Edited: Me
Biking Brooklyn: Episode 2— Bushwick, Part 1
Another addition to my little series.
A small tour of Bushwick & it's ever changing graffiti universe.
Part 1 cuz it's way too much to cram into a single 1 min video.
Music: Gilles Peterson’s Havana Cultura Band
Shot & Edited: Me
Crooked Crisco Christie
The steady fall of Governor Chris Christie continues... gotta love it.
Better Blogging Starts now
I need to get better at posting to this blog.
A lot of times I just hope that most people who like my work, find and keep track of what I'm up to on Instagram. But that isn't necessarily true.
Here's a little something, I recently opened a Facebook Business page & a Threadless Artist Shop. They aren't ready for primetime yet but once they are, these locations will be places where you can find updates & product announcements featuring my work.
There, that wasn't too hard.
My next post will have a few links to the goods I just mentioned above.
Becoming Big
So I've been working on my childrens book for the past month straight and it's nearly done!
All art is finished and I've just received some great 1st reader feedback from one of my closest friends Kasha, who graciously shared it with her daughters and the girls loved it :] I just need to take a look at the rhyming structure again and make a final decision about a few great suggestions on their part. I haven't shared any images of this book on my site yet but feel free to follow along on Instagram. In the meantime, here's some manly hyperlapse of me cutting the final illustrations down into gallery ready gumdrops!
{Music by Wilco "Ekg"}
50% Off SwitchMates
50% OFF SwitchMates Light switch covers. Scratch-resistant hand painted originals. Use Promo Code: TOYFISH . Free Shipping in USA (just choose "NYC Local Pick-Up" as your Delivery Option. Your item will be shipped.). Ends Aug 8th. Tap the link in my profile to visit THE SHOP 💥 —🎶 #CerebralBallzy "OnTheRun"
in transit #1
During my walk to the train, on our second very cold day in a row here in Brooklyn, I saw an over weight man
casually lumbering across Tompins wearing his jacket wide open with a smug expression on his face.
We get it. You're fat. What is typically a physical hindrance, is now a super power {thumbs up emoji} #ShowOff #NotThisGuy
buy what you love 2013
TODAY — Last minute post here:
This will be at Buy What You Love 2013
Nov. 14th | 305 Bleeker Street, NY 10014 | 6:30-9pm
100% proceeds go to supporting emerging artists & Cancer patients.
Great organization. Go support the cause & get some cool art while you're at it.
bits of uselessness in a modern world #4
Know when you are wrong and admit it.
bits of uselessness in a modern world #2
No matter how good you are at what you do,
someone else will always know a person who works
where you are applying.
bits of uselessness in a modern world #1
The good things you say you'll do; you do.
The bad things you think you may do; just don't.
And keep your nose clean for all the in-between.
animation block party goodies
So I went to the 10th annual Animation Block Party here in Brooklyn a few days over the weekend.
A lot of fun and a lot of great talent.
I composed a list of favorites to share with a friend who couldn't make it but I figured, why not share this list with everyone else while I'm at it.
I realize that these are waaaaaay more links than most of you will visit. So here's a short list of really good ones that are actually on the internet and available to watch.
If you have additional time you can check out the others!
-"Elk Grass" By Abby Luck http://vimeo.com/68589283
-"Peter of the Pigs" by Michael Ribeiro http://serradochants.tumblr.com/
-"Separated" by Mark Borgions http://vimeo.com/62071921
-"Tap to Retry" by Neta Cohen http://cargocollective.com/NetaCohen/TAP-TO-RETRY
Favorites from Friday:
"Jamon" Iria Lopez. This was a great one but I can't find the full length film on the webs— http://www.jamonfilm.com/
"Sidewalk" By Celia Bullwinkel. This one was great too but I ALSO can not find the full-length online (so annoying)— http://sidewalk.virb.com/stills
"Elk Grass" By Abby Luck. FINALLY one that I can find online. Finally an artist who isn't over-come with paranoia. Love this one. Beautiful animation, great music and a terrific story — http://vimeo.com/68589283
"Feral" By Daniel Sousa. Unfortunately, only the trailer exist online for this one too. Think the artists are doing this because the films are still screening for the first time. Anyway, good film. About a naked kid who gets "saved" from the wild by a hunter. The hunter tries to make the kid assimilate into modern society. Kid tries but ultimately reverts — http://danielsousa.com/feral.html
"Umbrellacorn" By Bluesky Studios. This was one of the only entires submitted by a heavy hitter in the film industry that night and it was a major crowd favorite. Surprisingly low-key in it's animation style for a multimillion dollar animation house but I think that really added to it's cool-factor. HOWEVER incredibly disappointing cuz they haven't even posted a trailer of it on the web!!! — http://blueskystudios.com/films/umbrellacorn/
"I am Tom Moody" By Ainslie Henderson. Another where I can't find the full animation online — http://ainsliehenderson.com/Resizedwebpages/films/tomtrailer.html BUT if you go to his blog and watch the post for June 22, 2013, it's pretty amazing — http://ainslieanimation.tumblr.com/
Favorites from Saturday:
"Shelter" by Carl Burton http://www.shelteranimation.com/
"Peter of the Pigs" by Michael Ribeiro http://serradochants.tumblr.com/
"Separated" by Mark Borgions http://handmademonsters.com/ | http://vimeo.com/62071921
"Fingers Tail" by Luca Schenato & Sinem Vardarli http://studiomica.prosite.com/
"Tap to Retry" by Neta Cohen http://cargocollective.com/NetaCohen/TAP-TO-RETRY
"Great Plastic Purge" by Alberto Scirocco http://leftchannel.com/work-nrdc.php
a good solve to a nice problem
Another day behind the brushes trying to earn my bigger room.
picture picture
Lets try something. This will populate with every new Instagram post I make (last 10 post). It will give you an idea of what I am up-to.
If you want to see past post or say whats up, join me here.
sketches 100% up-to-date
I've scanned in the rest of Sketchbooks Vol. 3 & 5 AND have added Vol. 6
Feel free to take a look
Its a book, for children, mostly
I have written & am now slowly illustrating a childrens book. I have 7.5 pages drawn now, out of an estimated 14.
This is turning out to be much more work than I expected but on the upside, I am really happy with how it's shaping up.
Once I have all of the pages drawn then I will begin painting them with gouache.
The plan is to keep the paintings simple, loose & fun but I am getting the sneaky suspicion that my subconscience
has something much more complicated in mind, based on the drawings that I have been producing so far.
I hope to beat that subconscience into bloody submission.
I am not sure how many drawings or paintings I will share before the book is complete.
Check back here weekly or connect with me on instagram to stay tuned.
so what's next
find me on instagram to see my process... in process.
responsive redesign!
Fast changing times have forced
my hand into making a fully responsive website experience {also I
finally had some time on my hand to take this monster on}. It's been a
cram-packed 4 days of building but here it is! It's a work in progress
and I am super excited to share it with you.
Check back soon to see what else I come up with to make this as much of an interactive art experience as I possibly can.
Thanks for stopping by!